Why is The Dog Whisperer (Cesar Millan) So Dangerous?
I’m disgusted by the endless stories and YouTube videos of dogs suffering at the hands of so-called “trainers” who hurt and intimidate them under the guise of teaching them.

How Do You Make a Dog Stop Barking?
Barking (like crying or screaming in babies…) is one of the many ways dogs communicate with us. Because dogs don’t speak English (which is no doubt one of the reasons we love them so much…), they communicate using body language. If we don’t know how to interpret what they’re saying, or are just not paying attention, they may resort to “yelling” (barking).

Separation Anxiety-When You Can't Leave Your Dog
Separation Anxiety in dogs is not just sadness at being left alone. It’s much more than that. Think of it like a panic attack in a human. It is an involuntary physical reaction to being alone. Your dog is not able to reason that you will return.

Dog Training is Simple
While I will certainly be skewered by some who don’t like the comparison of people to dogs, I’ll say it anyway: the principles of learning apply to all living creatures, be they canine, equine, feline, or human. Trainers may "brand" their systems differently, calling things by different names, but at their core, operant principles (you’ve heard of BF Skinner?) apply to learners of all species.